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Discounts on ANR Publications


You can order any of the great reference books that your Alameda County Master Gardeners use, get a 10% discount, AND support your local Alameda County Extension Service/Alameda County Master Gardeners at the same time!

You can help Cooperative Extension in Alameda County when you order publications online.  Visit anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu and enter the promotion code PRALA2 at check-out.  You'll receive a 10% discount on your order, and a portion of the sales will benefit local programs. Here's how:

STEP 1: Go to the Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) bookshop online at anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu
STEP 2: Choose publications that you can really use and enjoy.
STEP 3:  Purchase the publications that you have selected, using code PRALA2 when you check out, getting a 10% discount.
STEP 4:  Your items will be shipped to your selected destination, where you can read them and use them as reference material.
STEP 5: Feel great about yourself for contributing to programs in your community's through the Alameda County Extension Service. Thank you!

Visit anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu and 

Use Code


at Checkout