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Contact Us - How to find Master Gardener Help

Got a garden question? Ask the Help Desk!

Master Gardeners Volunteering

  1. Click here:  ASK THE HELP DESK! (a form will pop up to walk you through the process)
  2. Email us at acmg@ucanr.edu Please tell us:
    • Your name, phone number, and city
    • Problem description - if applicable: name of the plant, when the problem began, history of watering, fertilizing, pruning, pesticides, etc.
    • Photographs of the problem, if possible
Write Us

Write us
(slowest response of our contact options)

224 West Winton Avenue, Room 134
Hayward, CA 94544

Request a Speaker

Complete our request form and our Speaker's Bureau will find the perfect speaker for your needs. We have a large selection of topics that we are ready to deliver and can create a custom presentation for you as required. Complete your request to learn more.

Request a Master Gardener staffed information table

Are you interested in having an Alameda County Master Gardener at your next tabling event? Request one here via our online form. We appreciate your interest in our program and look forward to partnering with you.

California Garden Web - Statewide Resources

Lovely garden seating area with perennials
The University of California Statewide Master Gardener Program created an amazing online resource to organize and extend UC's vast store of research-based information about nearly anything that grows; including, gardening basics, flowers, landscapes trees/shrubs, indoor plants, and lawns. 

Visit the California Garden Web at https://cagardenweb.ucanr.edu/.