Squirrel-Resistant Beans
By Guy Duran, Class of 2016
In my mind, I saw a lot of beans growing along the 100-foot length of fence that I had available to use. It was simple enough to run one 5/8th inch drip line along the length of the fence and I then went ahead and planted the runner bean seeds. I planted about eight different varieties of beans and they all popped up quickly and looked really good until, all of a sudden, they were gone! Nothing left but stems. It was soon determined and verified that the culprits were squirrels.
I tried replanting with various coverings but with limited success and sooner or later it was game over for the bean seedlings. Nothing was getting past the first or second leaf stage. For next year, it will be game on to figure out how to outsmart the squirrels but that brings me to something interesting that I already learned in this process - which is that squirrels, apparently, do not like Asian Long Beans. Go figure.