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Water Leaders Speak at Quarry Lakes Garden

Quarry Lakes Demonstration Garden Talk on Reducing Outdoor Water Use

Quarry Lakes water talk
California Natural Resources Agency Secretary Wade Crowfoot joined water agency leaders at the Quarry Lakes Demonstration Garden to discuss programs to help residents in reducing outdoor water use. He spoke about the worsening drought and adjusting to a hotter, drier climate. Dry conditions are expected to continue through November, with an outlook for the drought to extend into 2023.

The garden was selected as the site for the press conference because it features drought tolerant plants in different garden styles that help visitors visualize how to incorporate water use plants into home landscapes. The sustainable gardening message is that thoughtful plant choices and simple gardening practices can create beautiful and healthy gardens with minimal environmental impact.

Quarry Lakes walk
After the speaker comments and questions from the press, Nancie Ryan led the attendees on a tour of the garden.